
[스크랩] Querer (좋아합니다) / Rosenberg Trio

허연소 2008. 3. 18. 11:31


뒤돌아보지 않으며

눈동자 저 너머로

언제나, 항상 더

Rosenberg Trio are two guitarists and one bassist







국내 CF및 드라마 배경 음악으로 가장 많이 사용되는 재즈 기타 선율의 주인공

 참을 수 없는 슬픔의 미학을 들려주는 집시 기타 트리오의 결정체

 관록의 재즈 전문지 스윙 저널지가 추천한 최고의 집시 재즈 기타 트리오

스윙 시절 전설의 집시 기타리스트 장고 라인할트의 진정한 후예 '로젠버그 트리오'



라고 음반평 써있는 거 발췌함..ㅋ









음악하는 집안에서 태어나서 10살부터 기타를 잡으셨음.

Django Reinhard가 음악의 Hero라고 함.

12살에 밴드 결성해서 콘테스트 입상..ㄷㄷㄷ

기타 하나로 세상을 다 가진 분...ㅠ






기타를 너무 좋아해서 학교를 가지 않았다고함

그래서 학교가서 읽기쓰기를 못배운게 후회스럽기도 하다고 함.

이분도 역시 기타로 세상을 가지셨음.





로젠베르크 트리오에 가장 나중에 합류.

베이스 역할을 맡고 있으심.

더블베이스를 가족들이 시켰을때 정말 하기 싫으셨는데

계속 연습하면서 정들어서 좋아하신다고 함

오직 트리오분들과 같이 연주하고 싶어하신다함.




그리고 홈피에 있는 History




There is no precise date when the Rosenberg Trio actually started to be a trio. Being kids of a very musical family they grew up with the music of Django Reinhardt. In 1974 Hans Meelen met for the first time members of the Sinti-community. Stochelo was 6 years old at that time.Hans started to play in the churches with Sani Rosenberg (the father of Nous'che and Nonnie), Wasso Gr?holz (grandfather of Stochelo) and Storo Berger on violin.


When Stochelo was about 10 years old he started to play the guitar together with cousin and buddy Nous'che. Hans Meelen formed the band "Manouche" with Stochelo, Nous'che and Rino van Hooydonk on guitar, Hans on clarinet and Gijs van Helden or Leon de Wijs on bass. They played in Holland and Belgium. In 1980 Hans arranged that they could play for a local radio-station and he used the recordings of that program to introduce the band to a childrens TV-contest. It was only for children so Nous'che, Stochelo and Rino were the only members of the band that were allowed to play there. People loved what they were doing and they won the first price.


After that Nous'che and Stochelo sometimes played in churches. A recordcompany was interested in those little boys and offered a contract. But, being members of their church, the kids were not allowed to play for the "common" world. The only thing that Hans could achieve with the family was that the boys would play one track on a record that was made for the jubilee of the local radiostation. That was in fact the first recording of Stochelo and Nous'che ( a collector's item!!!!). From that day on till 1989 they only played in churches and gipsy camps all over Europe. In that time Nonnie started playing with his little brother and cousin. Hans Meelen often joined them on those trips. The boys became very famous but only in the gipsy-community.


Hans knew that there was so much more to reach for those talented boys and finally on the 17th of June 1989 he succeeded is taking Nous'che and Stochelo with him to Samois. He planned that they could play some songs between the acts. Nonnie wasn't there and a stand-in bassplayer had to be arranged. The audience was completely overwhelmed by the talent of Stochelo and Hans asked Jon Larsen of Hotclub Records if he was interested in recording a CD with the boys for his label and he was. A short time later, the first CD was recorded for the Hot Club Records label. This CD, "Seresta," found great praise among many followers of Django Reinhardt, and it was said that the successor to Django had been found. That was the moment of their breakthrough and they were soon asked to play at jazz festivals all over the world. The trio was booked to perform with Luciano Pavarotti and with Shirley Bassey. St?hane Grappelli asked them to play with him at Carnegie Hall to celebrate his 85th birthday, an event still considered by the Rosenbergs as the highlight of their career.



To date, they have recorded 8 CDs; in January 2001 their eigth CD was released. Stochelo has also played as guest musician on several recordings, among them the 25th anniversary CD of The Manhattan Transfer. When the Rosenbergs go on tour, they always ask other musicians to join them. They have performed with Frits Landesbergen on vibes, Eddie Conard on percussion, Ellen Helmes on flute and Sylvia Houtzager on violin. In 1996 they toured with the Jan Molenaar's 30-piece big band. In 1997 they played at a Jazz Night with Lils Macintosh, vocals, The Beets Brothers, and the Stylus Horns II. In the season 1998/99 they went "Back to Basic". In other words, a show just with the three Rosenbergs, a combination that is so loved by their fans, all over the world. The summer of 1999 they used for recording the CD "Je zoenen zijn zoeter" with Herman van Veen, a famous Dutch singer/performer. They went to Germany and Belgium with Herman van Veen and had succesfull shows in Berlin, M?chen, Bonn, Brussels and Paris. They loved to take part in this show with the very skilled musicians of Herman van Veen. In the meanwhile their own show "Back to Basic II" went on in the Dutch theaters and they played at jazzfestivals in Zweden, Finland, Belgium and The Netherlands. They love the challenge of playing with other musicians. They recorded three songs for the new album of the Dutch first lady of Jazz Rita Reys. And they made shows with the pianoplayer Peter Beets and the famous guitarist Jan Akkerman. A highlight for Stochelo was the Patrimonium Jazzfestival at Corsica where he played with Dorado Schmitt, Birelli Lagrene an Romane. With Romane he also did some concerts in France. Stochelos friendship with Romane lead to the fantastic acoustic album ?egance. An album full with new compositions of Romane and Stochelo. The CD shows the skill of both guitarists and their respect towards each other. In August 2000 the Trio started with the recordings for their new album. The choice wasn't very difficult, after the Spanish project they loved to make a Latin album. With the help of Leonardo Amuedo, who is originally from Uruguay and a fantastic guitarist himself, they played 12 songs for the album Sue?s Gitanos. This time they had the honour of having Toots Thielemans as one of their guests on the CD. The release was January 22nd 2001. In the same time that they recorded for the CD a new documentary about their live was made.This documentary was on TV in The Netherlands in February 2001.



Also in 2001 one of the most successful cooperations in the theaters started for The Rosenberg Trio. In March they toured for 3 months with the famous Dutch pianist Louis van Dijk. It is a success from the beginning on. The virtuous pianoplaying of Louis in combination with the fast fingers of Stochelo and the solid rhythmgroup of Nous'che and Nonnie make a party of each night they perform. All the theaters are sold out months before the shows are scheduled. Immediately after the little tour they decide that they will do another tour. This one will start in January 2003. In June 2001 Stochelo is travelling around the world again. Together with Romane he is playing for the Django Reinhardtfestival in Samois, they have several shows in France and the Netherlands and they even go to Canada.






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글쓴이 : 세발까마 원글보기
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'어제' 카테고리의 다른 글

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